- Jun 18, 2018
greenkeeper[bot] authored
Andrew Sliwinski authored
Paul Kaplan authored
Force new active index and value after hitting the remove button.
Paul Kaplan authored
Enable comments.
Paul Kaplan authored
Update scratch-blocks to the latest version
Karishma Chadha authored
greenkeeper[bot] authored
- Jun 15, 2018
Paul Kaplan authored
chore(package): update scratch-blocks to version 0.1.0-prerelease.152…
greenkeeper[bot] authored
Closes #2362
Paul Kaplan authored
Disable comments
Karishma Chadha authored
Paul Kaplan authored
Fixes https://github.com/LLK/scratch-gui/issues/2361
Paul Kaplan authored
Update scratch-render to the latest version
greenkeeper[bot] authored
kchadha authored
Update scratch-vm.
Karishma Chadha authored
kchadha authored
Update scratch-blocks to the latest version
- Jun 14, 2018
greenkeeper[bot] authored
kchadha authored
Update scratch-blocks to the latest version
greenkeeper[bot] authored
Paul Kaplan authored
Remove errant spread operator
Paul Kaplan authored
Paul Kaplan authored
Fix target area max-width problem
Paul Kaplan authored
I don't love this solution, but I remember not being able to figure out a way to not specify the max width because it is needed in order for the flowing to work. Without the max-width, the sprite tiles try to be in a row, pushing over everything else.
Eric Rosenbaum authored
use new SoundPlayer in SoundLibrary
Michael "Z" Goddard authored
Michael "Z" Goddard authored
- Stopping sounds fades them out avoiding potential audio clipping
chrisgarrity authored
Enable language selection menu
Paul Kaplan authored
Make costumes, sounds and sprites sortable
Paul Kaplan authored
Update scratch-paint to the latest version
greenkeeper[bot] authored
Paul Kaplan authored
Update scratch-paint to the latest version
greenkeeper[bot] authored
kchadha authored
Enable comments
Paul Kaplan authored
Update scratch-paint to the latest version
greenkeeper[bot] authored
Paul Kaplan authored
Update scratch-paint to the latest version
greenkeeper[bot] authored
Paul Kaplan authored
Paul Kaplan authored