diff --git a/src/de/uni_passau/fim/seibt/gitwrapper/process/ProcessExecutor.java b/src/de/uni_passau/fim/seibt/gitwrapper/process/ProcessExecutor.java
index 90c6330c2888456d37db577ca339d1fcd784ba65..723ec96c1540455587255ff4fc320168e750dff0 100644
--- a/src/de/uni_passau/fim/seibt/gitwrapper/process/ProcessExecutor.java
+++ b/src/de/uni_passau/fim/seibt/gitwrapper/process/ProcessExecutor.java
@@ -8,18 +8,34 @@ import java.util.logging.Logger;
 import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
+ * Contains static methods for executing commands and gathering their output and exit code.
+ */
 public class ProcessExecutor {
     private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ProcessExecutor.class.getCanonicalName());
-     * The result of a command line execution.
+     * The result of a process execution.
     public static class ExecRes {
         public int exitCode;
         public String output;
+    /**
+     * Executes the given <code>cmd</code> with the supplied <code>parameters</code>.
+     *
+     * @param cmd
+     *         the command to execute
+     * @param workingDir
+     *         the working directory for the execution
+     * @param redirectError
+     *         whether to merge the standard output and error streams
+     * @param parameters
+     *         the parameters for the command (may be null or none)
+     * @return the result of the execution or an empty {@link Optional} if there is an exception executing the command
+     */
     public static Optional<ExecRes> exec(String cmd, File workingDir, boolean redirectError, String... parameters) {
         if (parameters == null) {
@@ -34,6 +50,18 @@ public class ProcessExecutor {
         return exec(workingDir, redirectError, cmdArray);
+    /**
+     * Executes the given <code>command</code>. If <code>command</code> is <code>null</code> no var-args are given
+     * and empty {@link Optional} will be returned.
+     *
+     * @param workingDir
+     *         the working directory for the execution
+     * @param redirectError
+     *         whether to merge the standard output and error streams
+     * @param command
+     *         the command to be executed
+     * @return the result of the execution or an empty {@link Optional} if there is an exception executing the command
+     */
     public static Optional<ExecRes> exec(File workingDir, boolean redirectError, String... command) {
         if (command == null) {
@@ -49,6 +77,13 @@ public class ProcessExecutor {
         return exec(builder);
+    /**
+     * Executes the command represented by the given <code>builder</code>.
+     *
+     * @param builder
+     *         the {@link ProcessBuilder} to be executed
+     * @return the result of the execution or an empty {@link Optional} if there is an exception executing the command
+     */
     public static Optional<ExecRes> exec(ProcessBuilder builder) {
         String cmd = String.join(" ", builder.command());
         LOG.fine(() -> String.format("Executing '%s'.", cmd));