diff --git a/test/fixtures/project1.sb3 b/test/fixtures/project1.sb3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..747ecd37a3a8d4a11b6abd6d6b388fe395a633d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/fixtures/project1.sb3 differ
diff --git a/test/integration/menu-bar.test.js b/test/integration/menu-bar.test.js
index 6529b7bc4550a1114f9022e76c062ffbaff4f5d2..223161b8fbdbb49b9697c07e810f2828ab34f5fc 100644
--- a/test/integration/menu-bar.test.js
+++ b/test/integration/menu-bar.test.js
@@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ import SeleniumHelper from '../helpers/selenium-helper';
 const {
+    findByText,
-    loadUri
+    loadUri,
+    rightClickText,
+    scope,
+    waitUntilGone
 } = new SeleniumHelper();
 const uri = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../build/index.html');
@@ -74,4 +78,32 @@ describe('Menu bar settings', () => {
         await clickText('Costumes'); // just to blur the input
         await clickXpath('//input[@value="Scratch Project - Personalized"]');
+    test('User is not warned before uploading project file over a fresh project', async () => {
+        await loadUri(uri);
+        await clickXpath('//button[@title="Try It"]');
+        await clickText('File');
+        const input = await findByXpath('//input[@accept=".sb,.sb2,.sb3"]');
+        await input.sendKeys(path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures/project1.sb3'));
+        await waitUntilGone(findByText('Loading'));
+        // No replace alert since no changes were made
+        await findByText('project1-sprite');
+    });
+    test('User is warned before uploading project file over an edited project', async () => {
+        await loadUri(uri);
+        await clickXpath('//button[@title="Try It"]');
+        // Change the project by deleting a sprite
+        await rightClickText('Sprite1', scope.spriteTile);
+        await clickText('delete', scope.spriteTile);
+        await clickText('File');
+        const input = await findByXpath('//input[@accept=".sb,.sb2,.sb3"]');
+        await input.sendKeys(path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures/project1.sb3'));
+        await driver.switchTo().alert()
+            .accept();
+        await waitUntilGone(findByText('Loading'));
+        await findByText('project1-sprite');
+    });