diff --git a/test/integration/sounds.test.js b/test/integration/sounds.test.js
index 7c306a5eee2c9c05c2d16d1c9ed8a1a489f5370c..ca1a3d275d8271e63af5068659429d4b4a4cee7e 100644
--- a/test/integration/sounds.test.js
+++ b/test/integration/sounds.test.js
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ describe('Working with sounds', () => {
         // Delete the sound
         await rightClickText('Meow', scope.soundsTab);
         await clickText('delete', scope.soundsTab);
-        await driver.switchTo().alert()
-            .accept();
         // Add it back
         await clickXpath('//button[@aria-label="Choose a Sound"]');
diff --git a/test/integration/sprites.test.js b/test/integration/sprites.test.js
index 41f2eec3ab4220e83fc08f8936c35328367f3da4..5b99efcb62e0496312d31f15e8746b260ad204a1 100644
--- a/test/integration/sprites.test.js
+++ b/test/integration/sprites.test.js
@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ describe('Working with sprites', () => {
         await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // Wait for scroll animation
         await rightClickText('Sprite1', scope.spriteTile);
         await clickText('delete', scope.spriteTile);
-        await driver.switchTo().alert()
-            .accept();
         // Confirm that the stage has been switched to
         await findByText('Stage selected: no motion blocks');
         const logs = await getLogs();
diff --git a/test/unit/containers/sprite-selector-item.test.jsx b/test/unit/containers/sprite-selector-item.test.jsx
index 85032603d4b3a1712db3fb431a96d109dc40d7d7..f133c02a25789791f754e275edcfb58eb813c777 100644
--- a/test/unit/containers/sprite-selector-item.test.jsx
+++ b/test/unit/containers/sprite-selector-item.test.jsx
@@ -48,22 +48,11 @@ describe('SpriteSelectorItem Container', () => {
         onDeleteButtonClick = jest.fn();
         dispatchSetHoveredSprite = jest.fn();
         selected = true;
-        // Mock window.confirm() which is called when the close button is clicked.
-        global.confirm = jest.fn(() => true);
-    test('should confirm if the user really wants to delete the sprite', () => {
+    test('should delete the sprite', () => {
         const wrapper = mountWithIntl(getContainer());
-        expect(global.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled();
-    test('should not delete the sprite if the user cancels', () => {
-        global.confirm = jest.fn(() => false);
-        const wrapper = mountWithIntl(getContainer());
-        wrapper.find(CloseButton).simulate('click');
-        expect(global.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        expect(onDeleteButtonClick).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-    });