diff --git a/test/integration/test.js b/test/integration/test.js
index cfea4e2176921c0d889e619500c50365197bc3eb..4096c2d909b081756d8345df7d892a75013c7d5c 100644
--- a/test/integration/test.js
+++ b/test/integration/test.js
@@ -54,8 +54,11 @@ describe('costumes, sounds and variables', () => {
         // "meow" sound block should be visible
         await findByText('meow', blocksTabScope);
         await clickText('Backdrops'); // Switch to the backdrop
-        // Now "pop" sound block should be visible
+        // Now "pop" sound block should be visible and motion blocks hidden
         await findByText('pop', blocksTabScope);
+        await clickText('Motion', blocksTabScope);
+        await findByText('Stage selected: no motion blocks');
         const logs = await getLogs(errorWhitelist);
         await expect(logs).toEqual([]);